a class on embodying nurture & connection

JOIN MOTHER CIRCLE - the journey of motherhood

The next round of Mother Circle with Lisa Rombach starts soon. 

Get on the waitlist now:

In honour of yourself, prepare a welcoming space and allow a good hour for this class to unfold within you.

This is a slow class, allowing time for your body to listen and respond as your inner landscape paves the way.

Feel free to adapt the embodied exploration to your personal circumstances.

I'll invite you to explore different qualities of your own mothering presence and it's evolution through time in 3 distinct moments you choose from the following times of your life:

1. before you became a mother
2. while you became a mother 
3. the mother you are now

I hope you enjoy discovering  some of the unique qualities of your Mother Presence through this embodied exploration. 

If you feel the call for compassionate company, support, and new exciting skills on your path of becoming a full spectrum mother animal, be the first to know when my next round of Mother Circle starts
